You can get data from multiple sources including , propwire (free), the mls , propstream , privy , county offices etc. Just get your list pop it into titanskip and watch it skiptrace live.
Once you have purchased credits there are no money refunds. There are no warranties on credits. Staff will refund / return credits on a case by case basis. Titanskip is not responsible for any credits left in balance. When credits are purchased they should be used within 24 hours.
At this time, Titan Skip does not support entity skiptracing. However, our development team is working to implement this feature. If your dataset includes an LLC, it will be automatically removed from your list. You will not be charged credits.
Titan skip uses a queue system, more than likely there was a huge list submitted before yours causing the delay. Don't worry our algorithm (Fred) is working away and will get to your list ASAP.
Titan Skip does not currently remove numbers that are listed on the DNC register. Users of our service are responsible for compliance with current TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) legislation. Scrubbing for DNC numbers and known TCPA litigation is a capability our team is developing.
Could be from a multitude of reasons here are a few : You got bad or old data from a software so the owner names didnt match up, The owner was not found for your address, Owner opted out or removed information from databases.
This could be for a multitude of reasons, usually because of list formatting. Easiest solution is upload your list to Propwire, Propstream or Batchleads to reformat it and reupload to skiptrace.
If your list has a bunch of weird characters, or no characters at all , check your file type if it is a .xlxs please convert it to a .csv and try again.
This could be for a multitude of reasons, usually because of list formatting. Easiest solution is upload your list to Propwire, Propstream or Batchleads to reformat it and reupload to skiptrace.
If your list has a bunch of weird characters, or no characters at all , check your file type if it is a .xlxs please convert it to a .csv and try again.
Our in-house team of specially trained researchers analyze every TCPA lawsuit to identify high-risk data to be added to our Litigation Firewall® system. Use our software to scrub against the Litigation Firewall to eliminate high-risk data from outbound and inbound campaigns or use our system to manually inoculate data files, instantly.